Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Awesome Caramel Puffcorn

If you've ever hung out with me around Christmas or New Year's, you probably remember my Mom sends me a giant bag of this, and it's AMAZING. I'm not a cookie person so I don't look forward to loads of Christmas cookies, but this I always look forward to! It's exactly how it sounds: that kernel-less popcorn you buy on the chip aisle covered with a homemade caramel sauce. So easy and addicting, you just have to try it. Maybe you'll make it your tradition too! :)

Ok, now this recipe makes a ridiculous amount of puffcorn. We bag it up in small amounts to share with people at Christmas, and we serve it at several parties. I would highly recommend just using one bag of puffcorn and half-ing the other ingredients, unless you're hosting a giant party or really, really like to eat. If you use one bag of corn and half the amount of sauce, there will be a little bit more sauce than on a full batch, but there won't be too much, promise.

Caramel Puffcorn
2 and 1/2 to 3 bags puffcorn (full size, should be between 9 and 12 ounces)
1 cup butter (2 sticks)
1/2 cup Karo corn syrup (we use light, but dark is fine too)
2 cups brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1) Pour puffcorn into the largest oven safe pans you can find. For 3 bags, we filled a giant turkey roaster and another large pot. I don't have any large pots or pans like that of my own, so I would use one bag of puffcorn and pour it into my 9x13 pan and some casserole dishes
2) In a medium saucepan, bring butter, Karo syrup, and brown sugar to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring frequently.
3) Remove pan from stove, add vanilla and baking soda, and stir well
4) Drizzle caramel mixture over the puffcorn and stir well to coat entire pot
5) Bake puffcorn uncovered at 250 degrees for one hour, stirring occasionally to further coat the puffcorn and keep the caramel from sticking to the bottom. (We stirred every 15 minutes. It's a pain, but well worth it!)
6) Let puffcorn cool and store in airtight bags or containers

Enjoy! And remember, this stuff is addicting!

After looking for pictures on google, I realized that similar puffcorn recipes are floating around all over the place. So much for a "special family recipe"!!! Oh well, use mine anyway, my Mom has been using it since the 70s! :)


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